How to Mix and Match Bridesmaid Dresses


Today it’s completely on trend to mix & match your bridesmaids. Mixing dresses is all about striking the right balance to create variation in your bridal party that feels effortless. 

1. Choose One Consistent Element

Choose at least one link that ties all the dresses together. The dresses can be as different as you’d like, but if they share one thing in common and it’s applied across the board, it can coordinate your look. Choose one designer, one neckline, one color pallette, silhouette or fabric (or anything else,) and make sure every dress shares that detail.

2. Choose the Length

In the true spirit of mismatching, dress lengths can vary too. BUT make sure it doesn’t distract. If you’re going for one color pallette or fabric, you can choose a good mix of lengths (and silhouettes,) to go around. If you have varying patterns or embellishments, sticking with the same length will keep everything cohesive.

3. Put Them in Prints

Once upon a time, bridesmaids wore only a single, solid head-to-toe hue. Not anymore. For a fresh feel, play with pattern. If you’re not ready to commit to a parade of prints walking down the aisle, try one on just your Maid of Honor or just a few across the group.

4. Play with Prints in the Palette

Though only two are patterned, all these dresses look stunning together because they’re in the same color scheme. Stick to a palette of no more than three shades to keep your lineup charming, not chaotic. It’s also fun to gather similarly themed patterns.

5. Coordinate the Details

If you’re having a variety of dresses meet up at the altar, hair and makeup can tie the looks together. Give your girls the same nude-colored lipstick, or ask that they all wear a relaxed chignon or similar hairstyle.

6. Select the Guidelines, Then Select the Dress

After picking out all the details, it’s time for the bridesmaids to choose their dresses. Or they can choose from a few styles the bride picked out. We’re big fans of the bridesmaids choosing their dress because, this way, they can choose whichever one they feel the most comfortable and the most beautiful in.


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